Trading Analysis
VeChain is $0.012141 (58.17%) above its 30-day low of $0.020870488 while -$0.000631 (-1.88%) below its 30-day high of $0.03364282. In addition, VET’s current price of $0.033011724 is above its 30-day moving average price of $0.026715394, leading to a strong short-term technical score. Overall the recent trading history of VeChain suggest that investors are bullish on the coin at the moment.
VET has a high market cap compared to the majority of coins with a total market value of $2,393,717,919.35. VeChain’s market value is relatively high since the largest 100 cryptos have a market cap above $1 billion and VET meets that criteria. VeChain’s average volume is high as $750,655,891.60 worth of the coin is typically traded over a 24 hour period. The cryptos volume is relatively high due to the most traded 100 cryptos typically having $100 million worth of the crypto traded over a 24 hour period. Over the past 24 hours VET’s volume is below its average with $133,851,273.75 exchanged.
VET’s recent trading over the past month give it a strong short-term technical score as its recent price movement give traders reason to be more bullish on the coin in the short-term.